Friday, February 22, 2008

Faux News Sinks to a New Low

I don't watch Fox News - I personally consider it the National Enquirer of the television press. In fact, to even call it Fox 'news' is counter-intuitive, like military intelligence or jumbo shrimp. Their plainly partisan and twisted view of the world reflects much more the agenda of Rupert Murdoch and his ilk than any jounalistic ideal. It seems like everyone but its adherents know this, and they have been lampooned in many forums, including my favorite show The Simpsons.

On any dictionary site, you can get a true definition of the word 'news' as follows:
news /nuz, nyuz/ –noun (usually used with a singular verb)1. a report of a recent event; intelligence; information:

Feel free to send this to the producers, editors and writers with Fox, as they obviously wouldn't know 'news' if it bit them on the ass...

So it was with great disdain that I was basically captured into watching Fox last night at the gym. I was on the elliptical machine in front of a giant TV showing disaster after disaster on the screen. The caption was "Is God punishing us through natural disasters? Floods, earthquakes, tornadoes?" The closed captioning was on and they were interviewing some Reverand Billy that was citing biblical references to justify the answer as being 'yes'. Basically God is pissed off at our permissive and sinful ways and is dropping F4 tornadoes on trailer parks in Arkansas as a result. The very fact that the earthquake yesterday hit the most sinful state of the union, Nevada, was also noted to be a 'sign' of God's displeasure.

What I found interesting is that the Fox anchor suckled this pap like it was mother's milk. Any other network would not have had this ass-clown on their show, let alone even entertain the ludicrous premise. Yet, here was some Fox news, community-college journalism degree idiot pandering to the Rev. Billy's jackassery. I suppose the true shame is that so many folks really believe this, and all of the other tripe, piled on by this supposed news network. No, not a shame. Shame is the wrong word here. Terrifying maybe? Yeah, that fits better.

Please, reader, go vote this November so the Christian Right for Life New Baptist Hate Gays in the Military idiots don't get their way for another 8 years...

The Ho-Bama Debate - Hillary Comes Into Her Own

Last night's Democratic Candidate Debate in Austin, TX was like watching the New York Yankees play your kid's little league baseball team. Hillary kept hitting the ball out of the park, and Obama was the hapless pitcher on the mound turning his head to watch as yet another homer flies over the fence.

It was by far the best public performance we have seen from Hillary so far - she was poised, articulate, passionate and convincing. Her ability to think on her feet, especially speaking in rebuttal, was very impressive. Most important for the survival of her flagging campaign, she was able to clearly hit the main areas of pain and interest in both the audience and the nation.

At the other podium was a seemingly unprepared Obama. He struggled in answering what seemed to be even the most basic questions and had a very difficult time in rebuttal. It seemed at times that he had to fight to articulate each sentence, each word in his attempt to define his message. It was unlike his performances in stump speaches where he is smooth and self-assured. However, it was consistent with his performance in previous debates where pundits nearly always hand Hillary the mantle of the victor. Even the little debate tricks like pretending to take notes when your opponent is speaking, feigning disinterest, were unable to nibble at the powerful performance put on by the senior Senator.

The primary question (excuse the pun) remains to be answered, "Will this debate and the inevitable analysis of it have an impact on the TX and OH primaries?" Methinks, yes. If it will be enough to salvage her gasping campaign is another matter entirely. If anything, it should be fun to watch.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

No Man Left Behind?

I had a wonderful conversation with my father Saturday morning during which he mentioned an article about the Marine Corps command structure deliberately delaying the mass deployment of Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected trucks (MRAPs). The reasons, as seen below, are estimated to have resulted in the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan. For the sake of protecting other vehicle weapons platform programs they deemed more important and due to their general ineptitude, someone's son or daughter isn't coming home alive or is coming home gravely wounded and permanently disabled.

I don't really have anything to say about this as the article speaks for itself. The next time Bush and his asinine cronies want to point fingers at the Dems and say their delays in budget approvals for the war are costing lives, please spread this to those who would listen to that sort of jackassery.

Pull quotes from the article, just to get you started...

• The Combat Development Command, which decides what gear to buy, treated the MRAP as an expensive obstacle to long-range plans for equipment that was more mobile and fit into the Marines Corps' vision as a rapid reaction force. Those projects included a Humvee replacement called the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle and a new vehicle for reconnaissance and surveillance missions.

• An urgent February 2005 request for MRAPs got lost in bureaucracy. It was signed by then-Brig. Gen. Dennis Hejlik, who asked for 1,169 of the vehicles. The Marines could not continue to take "serious and grave casualties" caused by IEDs when a solution was commercially available, wrote Hejlik, who was a commander in western Iraq from June 2004 to February 2005. Gayl cites documents showing Hejlik's request was shuttled to a civilian logistics official at the Marine Corps Combat Development Command in suburban Washington who had little experience with military vehicles. As a result, there was more concern over how the MRAP would upset the Marine Corps' supply and maintenance chains than there was in getting the troops a truck that would keep them alive, the study contends.

• The study does not say precisely how many Marine casualties Gayl thinks occurred due to the lack of MRAPs, which have V-shaped hulls that deflect blasts out and away from the vehicles. Gayl cites a March 1, 2007, memo from Conway to Gen. Peter Pace, then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in which Conway said 150 service members were killed and an additional 1,500 were seriously injured in the prior nine months by IEDs while traveling in vehicles.


CNN Article Here

Armytimes Article

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cold War Redux

Welcome to the Cold War for the 21st Century. Yes, Virginia, we can shoot down a failing satellite just like those mean old Chinese did. I can almost hear the television commercial in my head, a'la Monster Truck Rally:

"friday, Friday, FRIDAY! Coming to a theater of operations near you - its the big, bad nation-builder herself the old U-S-of-A against that prolific up-and-comer China! Get your tickets now for the rootenest-shootenest-who can outspend the other contest since Reagan bitch slapped the old USSR..."

Seriously, though. The Hawks in Washington weren't going to let this opportunity go by were they? All of the fur that ruffled when the Chinese shot down their errant weather satellite last year can be smoothed nicely by us performing the same magic trick. Take a moment to read the article and notice how, "Why yes! By simply tweaking the software and adding a touch more fuel (and a kiss for good luck!) this simple surface-to-air missle can take down a sattelite." Who needs an umbrella missle defense when you can just jazz up a rocket you already have?

The latter statement begs the question, "Why have we spent billions upon billions on Star Wars and 'missle defense shields' when we can just jury-rig something the Navy totes around every day?" Don't ask that one too loudly though, or the fine folks at McDonnel-Douglas or Boeing might help you take an extended vacation to a very, very quiet spot somewhere.

At any rate, dig deeply into your news sources over the coming weeks to watch this unfold. It should be chock full of posturing goodness! Story Here
The Cost of this Fiasco

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The New Johnny Mac

War Hero. American Patriot. Compassionate Conservative.


The US Criminal Code: Title 18, Part I, Chapter 11 explicitly states in more than one manner that ‘the acceptance or solicitation of funds to obtain appointed public office’ is against the law. It also refers to three other areas in which Senator John McCain was involved in questionable activities, in addition to the one listed above, during his relationship with Charles Keating during the Savings and Loan Crisis.

McCain, along with four other prominent Senators, was intimately involved with Charles Keating, Chairman of Lincoln Savings & Loan. In 1989, Lincoln was being pressured by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB) in reference to its lending practices. Keating reached out to the Senators for assistance, and they complied. Bolstered by a collective 1.3 million dollars in Keating Campaign Cash, all five made calls to and put pressure on then FHLBB Chairman Edwin Gray to leave Keating to his own devices. Lincoln soon collapsed to the tune of nearly 3 billion dollars that was covered by our taxes via the Federal Government's bailout.

To make matters worse, McCain’s wife and her father were active investors in one of Keating’s real estate projects immediately prior to the scandal and McCain family members utilized Keating’s private jet for personal trips. McCain’s relationship with Keating was at the same time intimate and disturbing.

The resulting scandal rocked Washington and prompted strident calls for campaign reforms. Of course, none were forthcoming and ironically the only substantive campaign reform in Washington came many years later through John McCain’s involvement with the McCain/Fiengold Act. Thanks to laughable “ethics committee” rules and the goodwill of their comrades on the hill (all presumably thinking to themselves “There but for the grace of god go I…”), McCain and the other Keating Five members walked away relatively unscathed. They faced various mild forms of reprimand from their Congressional peers – ranging from censure to official “questionable conduct” designations.

Why isn't this more relevant today? Mostly because it speaks to the weaknesses of a candidate at a much earlier stage of his political career, a lack of character that he has not seemed to have exhibited since. Why haven’t the Democrats mentioned it? Obviously because one whisper of the Keating matter would bring up stark comparisons to Hillary’s involvement with Whitewater. Republicans in 2008 were reluctant to bring it up for fear of alienating the heir apparent. While GWB2 used the Keating connection quite effectively during the 2000 primaries to sink McCain (thanks to the inspiration of the evil genius Karl Rove) they dare not touch the subject today. There are too many cabinet positions and key ambassadorships at risk to air dirty laundry.

A better question, and one that is asked in all fairness to the candidate, is why it should NOT be relevant? After all, McCain is by far the most moderate Republican candidate of the bunch. In fact, he may well be the most centrist Elephant in years. He has a long history of bi-partisan work (hence McCain/Feingold), has supported federally funding stem-cell research, has for the longest time drawn the ire of the Christian Right (reason enough to cast your vote for the man), and has always supported Federal fiscal accountability and attacked pork-barrel politics. If you call yourself a Republican of any stripe, conservative or moderate, does he not exhibit the true qualities of your party more than any candidate you have fielded in years, let alone your current president (capitalization left off purposefully)?

Indeed, McCain might well be the strongest Republican candidate in decades. With a proven track record of working towards the middle and trying to find a common path with his colleagues across the aisle, can we not forgive a youthful indiscretion? He’s not asking us to forget a little wayward drug use, alcoholism or fellatio, just taking a little bribe to help a friend. In light of the events of the last seven years, it’s a fairly minor sin to forgive.

Now, if he hadn’t supported all of Bush’s Supreme Court appointees and the Iraq war from start to finish I just might vote for the man. However, these last elements are deal killers.

Obama/Clinton 2008 please, and hurry…

More on the topic...
McCain Keating Five Article
McCain Keating Five Link Page

The Big Pink "Q" in the Living Room

As the foreclosure crisis continues to decimate Cleveland neighborhoods, one of the primary catalysts for so many defaults continues to maintain its shrine to ill-gotten greed with nary a complaint from John Q. Public.

I am speaking of mortgage lender Quicken Loans and its owner Dan Gilbert. A couple of years ago, when the Gunds shopped the Cleveland Cavaliers around, they couldn't have found a more nefarious buyer than Mr. Gilbert. A fortune quickly amassed from shopping extremely sketchy loans with more caveats than a James Joyce novel blinded folks in both Detroit and Cleveland (oh, to imagine those cities could ever share something in common!). The slick talking Gilbert waltzed into town with his dirty money and bought a legacy. We were dazzled by the potential championship: LaBron, a team behind him and a coach worthy of the lot. The Q underwent millions of dollars in renovations that made it a sparkling palace to the sport, but its hard to imagine all of the glitz and glamor being sponsored with monies derived from loans that have left thousands out in the cold.

I know, I sound like a Populist. Well, in this particular instance I can't really help it. I was one of those who thought it was so incredible to go see the King play at the Q. I, like many others, didn't really think of the consequences of rampant predatory and questionable lending. I, like most others, didn't make the connection between Gilbert, Quicken and the Palace they were building on a foundation of sand. We all lined up for his particular brand of Stone Soup and proceeded to dump all of our good will into the pot. However, just because we once did does not mean we have to continue to do so.

We can all admit we were wrong and note (loudly if possible) that Gilbert and his ilk helped to create this crisis. As I type I'm listening to the news and the elaborate plans that banks and our government (who were both complicit in the creation of this crisis) have come up with to forestall the inevitable. Between the recession (thanks again GWB2, you jackass) and the mortgage crisis, folks in Northern Ohio and the rest of the nation really don’t stand a chance. And lest we think that this isn't a political hot-potato, I have included below the filed lawsuit by the City of Cleveland against a laundry-list of banks and brokers that precipitated this crisis. Note that it does not mention Intuit/Quicken loans or name it as a defendant - it only lists nearly all of the agencies to whom Gilbert's company sold those questionable mortgages. A blow well struck, Mayor Jackson!

This impacts all of us – even those of us who didn’t fall into the refinancing/ARM trap. Have you seen the news stories about Countrywide, Citibank and other financial institutions losing billions because of this crisis? Their fault indeed, but all of that money lost was from mortgages sold to them by mortgage brokers like Quicken. They were legion, one of every corner, but it was the national brokers like Quicken with their omnipresent commercials that berated consumers to take the money while they could out of their equity, or to purchase a home well beyond their means. This is a crisis that will have generational impact – one that has sapped the primary savings vehicle of the American People…home equity.

Much like the Savings & Loan crisis of 20 years ago, we will still be paying the piper for this fiasco for years to come. Let’s all resolve not to forget the lesson this time, and try our best not to hand the tab to our children…or grandchildren. For my part, I am through with Cavaliers basketball until Gilbert passes the team on to another of the super-wealthy looking for a new toy. Hopefully more and more people will get this connection and the King ends up performing his magic act in an empty Q – until his contract is up and he goes to the Lakers anyway…

More information about Quicken Loans here:

Rip-off Report
Quicken's Response to Proposed Federal Limits to Predatory Lending
First-hand Experience with Quicken Loans Practices
Consumer Comments from the Website
Cleveland's Lawsuit against Predatory Lenders

Monday, February 11, 2008

Its Tribe Time

Waking up at 5:30 AM to the news that its all of 4 degrees outside with a wind chill of -12 on a Monday of all days, one needs a little encouragement that better times are around the corner. I was at my computer thinking that I needed a little pick-me-up aside from the Sumatran Roast I had in my mug so I hit the Tribe's website. The rationale was that I knew that pitchers and catchers should be reporting this week, and lo and behold Valentines Day brings more than chocolates and roses this year.

Pitchers and catchers report first thing on 2/14 and the rest of the boys of summer follow quickly behind (more information can be found here). While I personally will miss having Kenny Lofton in the line-up, aside from Trott Nixon heading to less-green pastures the team looks remarkably similar to the one fielded last year. They picked up what die-hard Star Trek fans have to love in the likes of right-handed reliever Masahide Kobayashe and the scrappy Jamey Carroll from the Rockies...but that's about it. Lots of ripening young talent coming up from Akron and Buffalo will bolster an already solid line-up, anchored by the likes of re-signed veteran Casey Blake, a (finally) healthy David Delucci and fan favorite Travis Hafner.

The most entertaining aspect of this year's foray into the Grapefruit League are those aforementioned youngsters. Adam Miller is said to be over his ailing elbow and ready to put that strong right arm to work in battling for the Tribe's 5th rotation spot. Jordan Brown, a very hot bat in his last two minor league seasons, hopes to make an impact but will likely be stymied by the presence of the maturing Garko at first base. As the Tribe is almost 6 deep in the outfield with major-league caliber players, Brown may well play the majority of the season in lovely Buffalo...or at least until the September call-ups. One of the lingering questions hovers over Andy Marte - out of options, this (no-longer) youngster that never quite fulfilled expectations will either make the big-league roster or be early season trade bait.

The most important question of this season will assuredly be if the Indians are finally going to pay big money for a soon-to-be free-agent. Arguably the Indian's best pitcher since Bob Feller grumpily walked off the mound and started signing baseball cards for profit, C.C. is likely to command a salary worth more than his weight in gold (literally - $850 per oz. - $13,600 per lb x 315 lbs.- $4,284,000). His figure will round-up (to use a bad pun) to around 20 million per year - and word is he wants at least 5 years guaranteed. Hmmmm. That means that Progressive Park will have to be packed with lots of folks willing to pay $20 for parking, wolf down $4 hot dogs while chasing them with $6 beers just to pay C.C.'s portion of the post-game buffet. We'll see if ownership lets us down once more and allows yet another superlative, home-grown talent go to NY.

Friends Dave and Renata will have a first-hand look at the new season as they venture to FL to see the boys in action for their last season at Chain-of-Lakes Park. Hopefully, they will send back a full (and encouraging) report with lots of cheesy photo goodness. Next year we're all off to Arizona for our Spring baseball, so enjoy the EST starts on the radio while you can.

So, get your blankets, electric socks and snowshoes ready. The Tribe actually opens the season at home this year with a March 31st date against the anemic Chicago White Sox. I, for one, am ready to shout "Pppppllllaaaaay Bbbbbballlll!"

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday, Snowy Sunday

I'm mostly posting this so Mom, Dad, Matt and Viv can get a cheap laugh. In 'sunny FL' today its a balmy 61 on its way to 79. M&V get to enjoy a high of 64. As you can see in the enclosed photo taken mere moments ago we will not even sniff the 30s today. Forecast is for wind chills of up to (why do they say up to when describing negative numbers?) -15 below and 1-3 inches of the white stuff. Its as cold as Anne Coulter's nether regions on a hopping Saturday night here.

Aly and I are lounging safely in the Condo De Reynolds and staying warm. I have been commanded by her majesty to go and fetch Mexican when I eventually brave the elements to go to the gym. Thankfully both are just down the road - you have to love the positive aspects of urban sprawl. The front-wheel-drive on the Honda will power me through the elements. I'll just have to watch out for all of the other jackasses on the road.

Speaking of jackasses, I can't help but include one little tidbit of soapbox in this posting. We have to laugh at the mental image that comes with the headline "Obama has a leg up on McCain". Are they spooning? Is Obama marking his political territory by peeing on McCain's leg? The possibilities are endless. No, this is not the tidbit. I am actually thinking about the speech GWB2 gave to the conservative forum on Friday. Yes, we all know he never ventures in front of a hostile audience (this is why you always see him at a podium in front of military folks or oil barons) yet this time he was pitched the proverbial softball by a group of Heritage Foundation donars and such. The Ape actually said in reference to the economy and Iraq, "Our policies are working..." and no one laughed or called him out. Imagine him saying that in the Basra markets where women are being killed for wearing eyeshadow - the mullahs would be proud. I also wonder if he could get away with such an utterance in a local watering hole here on the North Coast where the foreclosure crisis is blazing away.

There are not enough words in the English language to decribe what a self-deluded idiot that man is. At any rate, the real icing on the cake came when at the end of his speech, he thanked the sheep in the audience who promptly began bleeting at the top of their lungs "Four More Years". Four more years indeed. What do you say to such a thing? "Please hand me a bucket 'cause I'm gonna hurl!"

Can we just fast-forward to January 2009? This is just tooooo painful to watch.

The Opening Salvo

Howdy. My brother and sis-in-law's blogspace (click here for their blogging goodness) has inspired me to post one of my own. Oh my. So I will take some time to regale you with musings about the world at large and my own little slice of it.

So why the title? I suppose because initially I thought it was clever, but it kind of grew on me. “Itinerant” because I have been a bit of a wanderer in this life – in many ways (insert laughtrack here). I would like to continue the more pleasurable elements of that wandering, but the others I would rather leave to those young enough to endure them. “-Rant” because those of you who know me understand my tendency to take a verbal stance on things, declarative and in a better way than the Talking Ape we have in the White House. Thus the soap-box. “Philosopher” mostly because I needed some claim to fame after earning a degree in it – after all that sheepskin came at a price.

So here I shall “rant”, observe, comment and such. Along the way I’ll share some tidbits about my (new) life and adventures therein. Hope you enjoy the ride.