On any dictionary site, you can get a true definition of the word 'news' as follows:
news /nuz, nyuz/ –noun (usually used with a singular verb)1. a report of a recent event; intelligence; information:
Feel free to send this to the producers, editors and writers with Fox, as they obviously wouldn't know 'news' if it bit them on the ass...
So it was with great disdain that I was basically captured into watching Fox last night at the
gym. I was on the elliptical machine in front of a giant TV showing disaster after disaster on the screen. The caption was "Is God punishing us through natural disasters? Floods, earthquakes, tornadoes?" The closed captioning was on and they were interviewing some Reverand Billy that was citing biblical references to justify the answer as being 'yes'. Basically God is pissed off at our permissive and sinful ways and is dropping F4 tornadoes on trailer parks in Arkansas as a result. The very fact that the earthquake yesterday hit the most sinful state of the union, Nevada, was also noted to be a 'sign' of God's displeasure.

Please, reader, go vote this November so the Christian Right for Life New Baptist Hate Gays in the Military idiots don't get their way for another 8 years...
The news is no longer news and hasnt been for a long time, its a show like any other on tv, to get ratings (money). Fox or any other station. Fox is just a station for right wing conservatives who eat up that holy bullshit. The very fact that the "news" has sweeps months proves it's like any other show. May and November are not the only months that breaking news with team coverage should happen.
God bless us all!!
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