I made the mistake of attempting to engage one of the Faux News adherents in a debate on whether Obama is the Anti-Christ and anti-Christian. The saddening and utterly disgusting dialogue follows:
Sadie Bolt Fraley So very sad and disturbing!
Obama Denies Flyover of 'GOD & Country Rally'—1stTime In42Yrs Why?BecauseOf Its 'Christian Nature'
Source: www.youtube.com
http://AmericasNewsToday.Com/ Obama's "New" Pentagon Denies Flyover of 'GOD and Country Rally' for First Time in 42 Years Because of Its "Christian Nature"
Yesterday at 7:01pm · Comment · Like / Unlike · View Feedback (11)Hide Feedback (11) · Share
Peter Ben Reynolds
You kind of need to consider the source here, Sadie. The speaker in the 'video' being given credibility on Fox News is a known 'misrepresenter' of fact and to not be someone who is given any credence by any other media resource. Take a moment to read over the comments made regarding the video you posted to get a flavor for how far from the mainstream the folks that really support this yahoo really are...
Peter Ben Reynolds
To put this in a little more perspective, Sadie, consider the comments on this website supporting the 'outrage' over the Pentagon's decision. Note the lines calling for a 'coup' and saying that Obama is the Anitchrist. You might not agree with his policies (and the decision not to do the flyover of a very small rally in Idaho is something I really doubt was on his 'to-do' list) but I don't think you really want to go this far...
Yesterday at 10:46pm
Sadie Bolt Fraley
Peter, I simply posted the report and there is a great deal I don't like about Obama and it is not just his policies. So, I stick by my decision to post this.
Peter Ben Reynolds
I totally support your right to post it, was just encouraging you to check the facts behind the post to ensure that the deeper information was brought to light. Whether you like Obama or not, surely you can't agree that he is the "Anti-Christ" or, as a Christian, support his coup or bodily injury as encouraged by other posters of this video...
Michael Sprague
If Obama is or isn't the Anti Christ shouldn't concern you as much as why is he so Anti-Christian, first he canceled the annual prayer event, then he refused a fly over because the event had a Christian Nature. He has done everything possible to denounce Christianity while doing everything to support the Muslim religion and it's holidays. To deny... Read More this is a sign of ignorance and total cool aide drinking mentallity. Obama is supported by ACORN, definately anti-Christian, he is supported by the ACLU, again Anti Christian and he has stated this isn't a Christian Country. . . what else do you need Peter. . Wake up. . . Obama hates morals, values and ethos that don't petain to Gay right, Affirmative action and special intrest. . .
Peter Ben Reynolds
Fascinating response, Michael, especially considering I'm being accused of 'drinking cool aide' (which is actually Kool-Aid) and ignorance. Let's see. I have spent the last 25 years of my life learning ALL sides of an argument (including this one) before establishing my position on an issue. I have an BA in Humanities, which is Classics, Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in American History. I have been the Director of an Aesthetic Education program modeled after Lincoln Center in NYC. I wonder how that makes my position an 'ignorant' one? Have you bothered to read and/or research any of the 'facts' that you are spewing? ACORN has no religious affiliation or anti-Christian agenda. Period. The ACLU has no anti-Christian agenda, but for better or worse, supports the letter and law of the constitution (which is what most folks who espouse your position are so upset in thinking is coming under fire from Mr. Obama.) Once again, he had nothing to do with the flyover decision.
Peter Ben Reynolds
to continue, President Obama is not anti-Christian. He is a devout Christian and lives what he believes - thus the compassion of his policies, i.e. healthcare for all. He said ours is not JUST a Christian nation, as we have many other people in this country with other paths to God or their conception of God. Keep in mind that Jews and Muslims both hold the Old Testament holy and part of their faith, as an example. His point was to recognize the Constitutional right to freedom of religion and that we are a country of many faiths. To say that he hates morals, values, etc. is simply wrong and, in fact, ignorant and just plain silly. Don't let your anger at having a non-far-right person in the White House cloud your judgment. You sound strident, ill-informed and just plain angry.
Peter Ben Reynolds
Finally, I find it most interesting of all to hear so many people who proclaim themselves as Christians to be so angry at President Obama's policies such as universal healthcare. Seriously, as yourself the WWJD question - don't you think that Jesus would support such a concept? In fact, if you were to take the teachings of Christ in the New Testament as a whole you would likely label them as "socialist" as they are predicated on the good of the many and that the meek shall inherit the Earth. Can you see Christ being so very angry over all of these things? I think not.
Michael Sprague
Obama is not a devout Christian and if you truly believe he is, your opinion isn't worth the time it takes to read it. Actions speak louder than words. . . actions are what Christ spoke of. . what action is it that you base your opinion on. . the Gay support, the socialism the support of cop killers, race baters. . . the points you make are BS and... Read More weak at best, you are a coolaide drinker and have been fooled to the point of having no credibility. . none. . . Christ never said Homosexuality was to be accepted, he would never go against his fathers word. . . NEVER. . you need a reality check.
Michael Sprague
PS. . Kool Aide, COOL AIDES. . .it doesn't matter how you spell it, you've been drinking it at for some time now. .
We need a little OLD testament Christianity right now. . . a return to the 10 commandments, just like we need a return to the founding fathers constitution. . . not socialism. . . not CZARS, not government ran anything. . . FREEDOM... Read More> > > You are a washed in the wool liberal with an AGENDA, you use talking points that have no substance in fact or any value to the American people. . . Just worthless rhetoric, there is no mainstream thought process behind you liberals, you have the media, and if it were not for that you would be just dancing with CZARS, the point is people have had it with the people you believe in and it's starting to show.
Peter Ben Reynolds
Wow. Just wow. Keep printing off your Faux News talking points and thinking you are a true American. I'm saddened to think that I share the label Christian with you, sir. I give up, you can't have a logical and reasoned discussion with someone who is so obviously insane. Best wishes.
Peter Ben Reynolds
Ok - its on. I can't sit back and not reply to such bitterness, such fundamental ignorance. Michael, do you even know what a Czar is? Who they were? The history behind them? Do you know any tenet of the Constitution that you were so happy to sacrifice on the altar of Dick Cheney's madness and now love so very much? Do you have any clue what the definition of socialism really is? Christ never said ANYTHING about homosexuality by the way, and the Bible itself says very little about it. So, are you a literal interpreter of the OLD testament? Do you stone your disrespectful children? Do you demand an eye for an eye? You, sir, are the ignorant one. Stop letting Glenn Beck pull the string in your back so you spew his hate and ignorance on the rest of us. Christian indeed. Christ would be embarrassed that you claim to follow him.
Peter Ben Reynolds
But he would still forgive and love you - did you forget that too?==
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
She Sees Dead People...
The author in the article below makes an excellent point, while I certainly don't agree with anything Newt Gingrich has ever done/said, he is relatively intelligent and well spoken. The fact that he, amongst his other opportunistic cronies, even gives this the slightest attention further tips the weak Republican hand. Their strategy continues to be let the loony-bin far right Birthers/Death Panel-ers spew their ignorant tripe (i.e. Palin, Beck, Limbaugh) while more 'centrist' spokespeople like Gingrich and Bohner sound relatively sane...relatively. This has the effect of whipping up the ignorant masses, as seen in the town hall meetings, while trying to have some skin in the game. Unfortunately for them, they are holding offsuit 3-5 while the Obama administration has bullets...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Dear Mama, I can hear you a cryin'...
...You're so scared and all alone
Hangman is comin' down from the galllows
And I don't have very long...Sytx
Yes, 'mama', I'm going before a 'Death Panel' to see if I can get that surgery that I need and I know that the the hangman is going to turn me thumbs-down. No life-saving surgery for me.
My blog has been on hiatus for a while but needed to be revived for this. What kind of asinine Jackassery is being spouted by the Republicans and their crony mouthpieces? Death Panels? Really? We just buried my beloved Uncle after a very long illness. At the end, he was asking about end-of-life decisions and heading for hospice care - this had nothing to do with his insurance or availability of care - only that he was very ill and tired and ready to go. What the hell does this have to do with at 'Death Panel'? Do Americans understand that they live in a rationed society for healthcare now if they have private insurance? Medicare and Medicaid are the only insurance providers that DON'T ration. Private insurers make your healthcare coverage decisions all the time now. At least decisions could/would be made based on a fair panel of physicians rather than a for profit ghoul who could care less about your well being. Sigh. Ignorance is a poison to intelligent dialogue.
If you really want to know more, read this primer. Better yet, read the bill itself. Nothing in there is about rationing, 'death panels' or any of the other bugbears being trotted out by the Far Right.
Let's face facts. We have the most expensive healthcare system in the world. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the best in the world - we rank about 14th. Our problem is that there are so many uninsured and under-insured that chronic health problems go unmanaged until they present as a crisis. THIS costs a fortune. I just came home from Huntington, WV which has been declared the most unhealthy city in the nation - their uninsured population is enormous. You do the math. We cannot afford to keep our current system - we need much more aggressive preventative care. We can't afford to give everyone everything forever - its untenable. Decisions must eventually be made - let them be made sensibly and in a not-for-profit manner rather than a catch-as-catch can and for-profit one.
Let's take the debate away from histrionics and put it back into a real foundation so we can have an honest debate on the issues. Please.
Hangman is comin' down from the galllows
And I don't have very long...Sytx
Yes, 'mama', I'm going before a 'Death Panel' to see if I can get that surgery that I need and I know that the the hangman is going to turn me thumbs-down. No life-saving surgery for me.
My blog has been on hiatus for a while but needed to be revived for this. What kind of asinine Jackassery is being spouted by the Republicans and their crony mouthpieces? Death Panels? Really? We just buried my beloved Uncle after a very long illness. At the end, he was asking about end-of-life decisions and heading for hospice care - this had nothing to do with his insurance or availability of care - only that he was very ill and tired and ready to go. What the hell does this have to do with at 'Death Panel'? Do Americans understand that they live in a rationed society for healthcare now if they have private insurance? Medicare and Medicaid are the only insurance providers that DON'T ration. Private insurers make your healthcare coverage decisions all the time now. At least decisions could/would be made based on a fair panel of physicians rather than a for profit ghoul who could care less about your well being. Sigh. Ignorance is a poison to intelligent dialogue.
If you really want to know more, read this primer. Better yet, read the bill itself. Nothing in there is about rationing, 'death panels' or any of the other bugbears being trotted out by the Far Right.
Let's face facts. We have the most expensive healthcare system in the world. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the best in the world - we rank about 14th. Our problem is that there are so many uninsured and under-insured that chronic health problems go unmanaged until they present as a crisis. THIS costs a fortune. I just came home from Huntington, WV which has been declared the most unhealthy city in the nation - their uninsured population is enormous. You do the math. We cannot afford to keep our current system - we need much more aggressive preventative care. We can't afford to give everyone everything forever - its untenable. Decisions must eventually be made - let them be made sensibly and in a not-for-profit manner rather than a catch-as-catch can and for-profit one.
Let's take the debate away from histrionics and put it back into a real foundation so we can have an honest debate on the issues. Please.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Obama Pokes Gas Limbag with a Sharp Stick

Here's the article if'n you want to read the whole thing.
Saturday, January 24, 2009

GOP Silliness Found Here
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Bush "Legacy"

Friday, January 9, 2009
Here comes Obama-man!
This is a marketing ploy of pure genius. Marvel Comics has gotten the hint from the many collector plate and painted coin ads from the Franklin Mint and has crafted a Spider-Man comic with our President-Elect on the cover and in the story. As mentioned on CNN, John King noted that, "Not even a superhero could rescue our economy, so I hope this doesn't add to the unrealistic expectations being placed on the president-elect." Wow. Let's read a bit more into the pulp pages of Spider Man Issue 583...
Anyway, on the news of this publication speculation is that the comic (which sells for about $4) will instantly be on eBay for at least $50 and will sell out almost immediately. There are already web-sites set up that can be found via Google JUST for selling this particular issue to Obamamaniacs. Truly awesome.
If you would like to read more, the link is:
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