Ok - This might be one of the most rediculous 'news' items I have ever come across. Fred Barnes, professional idiot and Bush apologist, will boil the blood of the over 70% of American's who think GWB's tenure of POTUS was the worst in history. His opinion of Bush's Top Ten Acheivements includes such gems as "Allowing "Enhanced" Interrogation Techniques"; Deep-Sixing the Kyoto Protocols; "Rebuilding" Presidential Authority; Creating the Medicare Drug Benefit boondoggle (and in the process forbidding the government to negotiate with Drug Companies on pricing); and the enactment (but complete neglect of) Every Child Left Behind. I only became aware of this by having to watch Faux News at the gym this morning and the nimrod love-fest that surrounded the review of this list (done with straight faces across the board) was disheartening and nauseating at the same time. Thank your personal version of the godhead that its almost over. Wake up Ummerrika!
Just imagine the mental gymnastics to warp those "achievements" into something less than catastrophe for the American public. If you haven't read it yet, I strongly Thomas Friedman's "Conscience of a Liberal" to get insight into the delusional movement conservative mindset.
Doh! I meant Paul Krugman's book...
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