Yet, in this weekend’s interview of President Obama performed by O’Reilly was the most disrespectful and heinously juvenile excuse for journalism I’ve seen since that jackass was on Inside Edition. Has anyone on Faux News said a word about O’Reilly interrupting the President Forty-Three…FORTY-THREE times in less than fifteen minutes? Not bloody likely. Not a word.
For all of their crowing about tradition, conservatism and maintaining the dignity of the office, Faux News allowed one of their ‘journalists’ to create one of the most unprofessional displays of self-aggrandizement I’ve ever seen. They reveled in it. In fact, they lovingly played the remainder of the interview, along with another 30+ interruptions, during O’Reilly’s show the following night.
You can't have it both ways, Faux News. You can't in one breath talk about how Obama is embarrassing the nation because he's not worthy of being President while you attempt to trap and shame him in an interview. If Chris Matthews had done that same session with GWB2 you would have freaked out in a million different ways and filled up hours of cable DAT tape. Hypocrites.
Aside from stating the obvious yet again, Faux News is not news and have no professional 'journalists' that I know of or have seen. Sorry Roger Ailes, no Pulitzer for you. Ever.
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