So here I am in Chicago again, this time for a Trauma Conference that lasts through Saturday night. Its such a beautiful neighborhood as you can tell. Actually its right on Sourth Michigan Ave. and across from Grant Park. Its a bit of a dump, and I should have known that when their marquee said "Welcome Lallapallooza!". I can imagine the previous occupants of the room were here for a more fun purpose, as evidenced from the left over X tabs in the bathroom. I did score a corner room, so I have multiple views from which to choose. The first is of some nice buildings south of the lake. I have no idea what they are, but its urban living at its best. If you look closely you can see the subway line that barrels through about every five minutes or so - that should make for some good sleepin!

My northward view is of Lake Michigan, albeit obliquely. Its kind of cool knowing that I can go out there and walk on the shore, which I shall do at some point. We are supposed to have stunning weather here this week - like 82 and sunny every day. Such a shame that I will be looking at pasty-faced trauma surgeons the entire time and listening to the glories of new skin adhesives in treating slashing knife wounds. I'm kind of unhappy about being here if you couldn't tell. I mean, I could understand one to two days of trade show madness, but there are only going to be like 150 doctors here. Do you not think they are going to make their way through the hall the first day and it will be as vacant as Rosie O'Donnel's cupboards the rest of the time? I can already hear the crickets as 50 medical reps snooze off their hangovers while muzak quietly hums overhead. "I love you baby, and if its quite alright I need you baby, to warm my lonely nights..." Lord have mercy on whatever soul I might have left.

Looking just, well, down we see industrious city workers struggling through yet another day of urban toil. Hail, ye mighty warriors of labor in your continuing upward battle against the oppressor! You can tell the day's supply of doughnuts and coffee are running dangerously low, as the time tips towards Miller and pretzels. No comment.

Likely the best room with a view was the one my feline friend Luna had this morning of a snacking chipmonk outside our slider on the porch. He chilled out in this spot for about 10 minutes and drove her into cat-sanity and distraction. I had to put vodka in her water dish to calm her down. Ummmmm...vodka.
Have a great day everyone!
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