John's Pony RideIn the ultimate contest of over-compensation, children's birthdays have gotten out of control in a way that rivals the best BMW vs. Lexus in the driveway battle of the Joneses. So my son John's third birthday this past weekend eclipsed that of Prince Andrew and is going to be broadcast on MTV's Blingingest Birthday Bashes III. I brought three party trays - cheese, fruit...the usual suspects. His mom pulled out the stops with a moon bounce, trampoline, pony rides, swimming, catered food, and enough beer for a weekend at the Kennedy compound in August.

There were about 50 or so people who stopped in at some point; friends, family and well-wishers. Aly and I hung out with John most of the time, which involved chasing him from one activity to the other. There were some minor tears when Choloe the teacup rat-dog nipped John's finger but no blood was spilled (except when I tossed the dog in the chipper-shredder dontcha know?) We were able to see Jeff and Dianne and their two daughters, both lovely young ladies. Sean and Doreen were there with their two kids, Ryan is getting to be just flat out huge. Aunt and Uncles abounded with Uncles John and Alex, Aunts AJ and Bubba in attendance. Of course, John noticed little of this as he was enthralled with all of the kids bouncing around.

I got the kids a Wii for their birthday as Aly's 15th is coming up next week. She is in the other room doing the Wii Fit Yoga class as we speak. Its a pretty cool game, but when it tells you your BMI its only slightly depressing. I'm sure there will be more pictures to post of Aly's smaller gathering. She has requested a videogame party here so the kids can play Wii and Rockband and have me cook for them. I do good junk food.
We are in the final planning stages for the upcoming trip of my brother and sister-in-law, niece and Mom this weekend. Everyone is coming in on Friday and staying until Monday. We are going to an Indians game on Friday, cooking out on Saturday and spending the day with John on Sunday. There may be some sightseeing along the way - after all, there are SO many wonderful sights here in Northeast Ohio!
Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:
OMFG - for a three year old? I'm jealous as I sure as hell didn't get a pony ride on my birthday this year! And I like horses...
Just kidding. John Wallace sure deserves all the best in the world and I hope he had a great time. I just can't wait to see him and to see how he and Fiona interact. Hey, maybe he'll help her with the potty training?
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