Thursday, December 4, 2008

Its been a while...

...but I'm still up and running. I've been working, a lot. Which means I've been on the road, a lot. The election came and went and we are all watching what's next. Its actually pretty exciting but all of the shine is rubbing off with the cock-up being made of things by our outgoing lame duck. At some point I will comment on the various bailouts, disasters of principal and other tidbits but now I'm just too tired to be cranky. I was in Baltimore, DC and Chicago this week with two 4 AM wake ups to get to the airport in time and I'm ready for Friday.

We had a great Thanksgiving up here with Mom & Dad and the kids but missed Brother Matt, Sis Viva and little Fi - I'll be with them for Christmas but unfortunately won't be able to take the kids with me...this year. There are pics of the adventure on the facebook page if folks want to see them.

To sleep, perchance to dream...


1 comment:

Viva said...

It has indeed been a while...we've missed your, um, insights (yeah, that's it!) on the political process and other national misdemeanors.